Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Voice in Words

As a young woman with cerebral palsy, I have encountered numerous battles stemming from both the spoken and written word; in all of my life there has been some kind of inevitable challenge that always seems to be awaiting me from around the corner of wherever I may be. The shadows of my past casting a slight shadow over all of my potential. Every crevice of my existence.

You see, this is the kind of attitude that hit me like a hollow point bullet post college graduation, working it's way through me and severing my confidence while simultaneously throwing me into a downward spiral that made me feel as though I had no purpose, no place in the world, and nothing of any value to offer to anyone.

The attitude of which I speak is one you CANNOT have and you can't let your mind control your energy. I grew as a child with so much negativity surrounding me. People spoke hurtful words to my face without even realizing the pain they'd caused; perhaps they did notice and just didn't care.

I am sharing this because I now have the strength and courage to do so; I hope to let someone know that whatever you're going through at this moment, always remember that this too shall pass. You are strong. You are beautiful. Your disability is not your worth. I shared because I care; I know how people can change your whole focus in a matter of milliseconds with just one word.

Don't let others get you down. Don't give up your passions. Don't give up on life. Don't quit. You matter. We all have a voice. Some of us are talkers while others have a voice in words. I never wanted to become a writer, but this life chose me and I love it. Even if this post just serves as a pick me up, I hope it truly helps you realize how special you are. Use your voice to reach others, even if it happens to be a voice in words. Let your power radiate from your sheet of paper. You never know how far you'll be able to go.

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