Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Simple Pleasures

Life is a winding journey that can swiftly become intensely unraveled in the smallest second. Our days can suddenly become filled with incessant and thoughtless desires of our own. Living often sees us overlooking our amazing Savior and the amazing story that He already has planned for us; for some reason, it is human nature to want to write our own story and live it the way we want to live it. The unending pursuit of earthly happiness is a common occurence.

Throughout my walk with the Lord, I myself have struggled with the demons of anxiety & self acceptance; for so long, I just wanted to be loved by the world that surrounded me. I have a habit of falling into this trap so often, and as a result, I have missed out on a few blessings. I wanted this to be the comeback topic for Molly's Zone Tuesday because as a human I thought that writing on submitting yourself to the simple pleasures & letting God have all of you is an important discussion for all.  I wanted today to serve as kind of a how-to, a guide, from someone who knows this battle all too well. It is going to be okay.

Remember, Life Here is Temporary- Nothing you do on this earth should have a focus revolving around self-glory or fame. Humans have a horrible habit of living life for themselves, and sometimes for the acceptance of others & that's not what this life should be about. Jesus is everything. The way to combat this is to pray for a humble heart.

Remember, God Doesn't Pay Attention to Status-He doesn't care what brand of clothes you wear or how much money you possess. He loves you for the uniquely soul that you are. The devil loves to push our minds in all the wrong directions; just trust the Lord and He will direct your path. Trust the journey & pray for a self confident heart.

And lastly..

Remember Your Roots-Always carry the memory of where God brought you from & cherish your roots. None of us can reach our full potential without acknowledging God's hand in what we are doing. We are nothing without Him. Learn to savor each precious moment of life no matter how busy or quiet it may be; it's still life, and there are moments never to be taken for granted. Praise Him with each & every breath. Pray for an appreciative heart.

Jesus has so many wonderful plans for all of us; all we have to do is trust in Him with every bit of our lives. My hope is that my words today help someone in need. I've had this on my heart for a week, and I prayed about it & I thank the Lord for guiding me through piecing my words together. God is good.

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