Monday, August 8, 2022

The Time to Be Ready (Heart Preparedness for The Coming of Christ)


    Being given the opportunity to experience travel by flight is honestly a cherishable memory within my heart. There's no other emotion comparable to my excitement on that first-ever flight. The surge of nervous adrenaline was already present during the previous I ran through a checklist of essential items needed for the journey...and eagerly searched for information on what to bring along in a carry-on bag. 

    That task alone was overwhelming...but I was thankful to have an experienced travel buddy who not only reminded me of all the little things I would have probably forgotten...but also gave me a sense of much-needed calmness. The time to be ready to leave for the airport would soon be upon us, and in remembering that time, I just know in my heart I felt relieved to be prepared...or perhaps, over-prepared! 

*One old, but wise rule of thumb: One can never be too prepared for anything!*

    In bringing a message this week on the blog, this memory has been on my mind for several weeks now as one to share...but the time to be ready for Jesus to come back is now. It is important for me to share some tips on how to be ready for Jesus. 

Would you be prepared to take that flight? Do you have your eternal boarding pass? And what can you carry on with you to eternity?

One cannot even have their baggage checked or approach the gate without first acquiring a ticket and a boarding pass. You cannot reach Heaven without first acknowledging your sin and realizing your need for salvation. No good deeds or any degree of morality will secure a seat on the plane of eternal life; salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 

The process of having your baggage checked is the single most challenging aspect of air travel. The agents first weigh the luggage...and if you are shown to be over the weight limit...they won't send the luggage on through to the next destination without removing the excess. Meanwhile, your carry-on bag stays with you at all times. 

    I borrowed an old carry-on bag from my mother for the trip to Spokane, Washington. It had a few bits of wrappers and trash in it from our trips to NYC in previous years. I cleaned out every tiny compartment before I began filling it with my essentials. 

Your eternal carry-on bag is what can be found within your heart. The first task you have is to bring it to the ultimate state of preparedness. As previously must see your heart's need for salvation. 

Perhaps the most essential point of preparedness is to ask the Lord to cleanse your heart of any dirt or dust that may be stuck within those tiny crevices that are somehow unforeseeable to the naked eye. Allow Him to reveal to you any unhealthy behaviors and mindsets. Allow Him to search your heart and examine it to the fullest extent. Remember, carry only the essentials: 

    The truth of His Word: unfailing and infallible...The Word of God remains resourceful throughout each season of life...No matter what you face...His Word will provide your heart with the guidance it so desperately needs.

    "Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me." (Psalm 119:133) 

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105)


    Joyfulness: One simple word that holds so much importance. No matter what life throws your way...always hold onto your joy. Choose joy every single day. There are moments that won't leave any room for understanding...but it is important to lean on His understanding with the fullness of joy. 

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." (Psalm 16:11)

Prayerful Patience: I am not skilled at being patient, and I will openly admit that! The combination of longing for my eternal home coupled with the excitement of meeting my Savior has me just plain over all of the nonsense that is going on in this world. This lack of patience is nothing new: as a small child, I loved school and would need a Benadryl to help me sleep on the night before the first day of the year because the excitement and anticipation would have kept me up all night long! 

It is difficult to just pray and wait while living our normal day-to-day lives when everything about this world is abnormal. However, patience is a powerfully essential life skill. It can take you through even the worst of frustrations. 

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;" (Romans 12:12)

Now is the time for your heart to be ready for Jesus. Would yours be prepared for eternity?

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