Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Seed of Contentment

 God doesn't always give you exactly what you want, but He will never fail in giving you what you need. 

That simple thought has swirled in my head a lot throughout the past week. Let us delve into the topic of contentment.

Our most perfect plans never usually work out as well as we want them to. Even as the Lord walks by our side, it is all too easy for us to become unsatisfied with what He has given us. 

It only takes a second to have a seed of dissatisfaction planted in our hearts just by the simple act of looking at others and thinking about what we don't have.

It's a must to remember that God always has a perfect plan in place. Every aspect is a connecting dot and has plenty of purpose: the family you were placed in, the friends and acquaintances you encounter, the situations you face. 

It's never easy to find God's goodness in the midst of our dissatisfaction. It takes a while to accept that we aren't in control of everything. It's all too common for society to make you feel as though you've failed miserably. That you're missing out on the best. Or that what you have simply isn't good enough. 

The power to overcome it all lies within the smallest seed of contentment. Try not to focus on the life you've never had, for God is always faithful!  And through it all, His goodness becomes even sweeter! 

What if your life plans worked out exactly the way you wanted? Who would you be? Would you even know Jesus? 

The precious power of God's goodness and grace should always be enough to help us remember the flip side of those what if questions. God plans are always bigger, better, and sweeter even when life isn't exactly what we pictured for ourselves. 

He sees what we don't and knows exactly what we need in order for His perfect will to be accomplished. 

Be content in everything; be thankful for the journey. 

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." (Phillipians 4:11 KJV)

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV)

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