Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Molly's Self Care Activities Part 2

I'm still awake late tonight writing; ahhh...I just love the feel of a new ink pen. Am I really halfway through with filling a third notebook? I really enjoy writing so much; it seems like my brain is a never ending pool of ideas and stories. When I do take time to just shut that part of me off (which can be hard to do) I like to relax and give my head a much needed rest. The topic for tonight's blog is a continuation of last week. I mentioned the first four activities in that blog: my coffee addiction, plenty of rest, keeping up with Molly's Zone, and hanging out in my office. I hope you all enjoy the rest I am sharing in this blog! I don't know if it will end up being six things listed tonight, as the rewrite I've done kind of shortened it, but here it is!

1) Books/Movies/TV: I am not a huge television fan, but to me there's nothing more relaxing than binge watching shows on Amazon Prime (you'll understand perfectly well if you are someone who has Netflix). The past few weeks I have been into working so much on material that I haven't taken any time to return to watching anything. Tonight's blog will be my last until July 11th, so a whole holiday week of shows, movies, and books awaits me. One book I am taking forever to read is "Me Before You". I had previously started it and stopped, and I've recently picked it back up again, but had to restart it because I lost track of what had happened. I am enjoying it, even though the plot has a sad backdrop to it (sorry no spoilers though!) Definitely a must read! Go check it out if you haven't already! 

Everyone knows I really love Survivor; I am also re watching Glee; I really like all of the music, and the fact that they included characters with disabilities. I am so excited to finally be able to check out  the Netflix show Fuller House tomorrow (nobody tell me anything in the comments, I want a fresh, first hand opinion of my own). I bought the first season on DVD today and that's how I plan to spend my Wednesday afternoon. I'm so hoping that it doesn't ruin the original for me; a lot of these reboots old shows are doing are cheesy. I also purchased a couple movies: "Hidden Figures" (saw it in theaters and loved it!) and "Blended" because I not only love Adam Sandler, but I also am in love with any Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore movies! 

2) Food & Friends: Good food is something that I always enjoy. I'm not sure if I would consider it a real relaxation activity, but I'm just a happy person and I find joy in the smallest parts of life. Texting friends is another thing I love to do; I don't have many that I talk to regularly, but hearing from them always makes my day even better than it already is. I really appreciate each conversation. God has blessed me with some of the most special people. 

3) Reminiscing on How Far I've Come: So tonight's blog definitely didn't make my list add up to ten activities, but there's so much to be said in just these three more. I sat out on my front porch all day yesterday, and just though about how life has turned into something so sweet. I remember being a little girl and not liking life at all. I loved school, but the day to day living in itself was difficult. Now, I am more than okay. I survived. I'm doing great. I am looking forward to seeing God play everything out in my life. I am trusting Him. I have never been more at peace with who I am than I am right now and getting to that point of accepting yourself and wanting to push forward is what I want everyone else to experience, because it is truly wonderful. I think my life is going just the way God planned all along; the seas I've rode on in the past were quite rough, but now that the storms are gone, I am ready for a beautiful adventure filled with confidence and persistence. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Molly's Top 10 Self Care Tips (Part 1)

Tuesday has shown its face once again  and as planned, in today's post we will be discussing my top favorite self- care (you can also call it relaxation) tips; this week I will be writing on the first half, and next week we will finish up with the second half. I have so many ways I love to relax, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to share. Hope you enjoy my words today!

1) Coffee- Oh, I wouldn't be able to even mention relaxation without including my deep affection for coffee. I had my first cup of coffee at age eleven, and I have been hooked ever since. Morning cups of joe are a MUST. My day will not run as smooth without my caffeine fix. Lately, I have been writing late into the nighttime (lots of inspiration has hit me)and my dear companion has been the only one to steal me from my notebook and salvage me for the next day. LOL! 

2) Rest When Needed (Sometimes!)- Plenty of rest is also a MUST for Miss Molly. I am finding that as I get older, I am tiring out quicker than I used to; the problem is that even though my body feels the wear and tear of the day, my mind just cannot shut off on its own. I am thinking up ideas, words, and goals non-stop. (Hence the need to put sometimes in quotations.) I love writing. I love my life. I do like to take several days off once my work duties are done just to recharge before going back to brainstorming for new material (although at times like today for instance, I have slow work days when I'm really not feeling as great as I normally do). As a child, I was one who HATED going to bed. I can vividly remember fighting nap time. Fast forward twenty years and now I love my sleep. Funny how time changes so much. 

3) Keeping Up With Molly's Zone- I know what some are thinking...how is keeping up with a blog relaxing? Well, I love what I do. It's not just a job, but also a passion I hold dear to my heart. Molly's Zone has been such a blessing for me; I've enjoyed every minute of being able to share my life with so many people. I will be honest with anyone who asks me...I NEVER wanted to be a writer...I had my own plans, but God had His too. Even though I fail Him so many times, I still am so thankful that for once I listened to Him. The blog will celebrate it's second birthday on September 1st, and at almost the end of June I have 60 blogs total on Molly's Zone, and I've been published at least 13 times (8 times on the Mighty, and I think 4 or 5 with WVSILC). That's a lot of writing; it is my therapy and it makes me happy. I've been depression free ever since I began, and I've never felt more blessed, happy, and busy. I have off days occasionally as far as anxiety goes, but for the most part I am doing great. The funny thing is my rock bottom day was September 1, 2014 and Molly's Zone went live a year later TO THE DAY on September 1, 2015 igniting a fire and commitment to Jesus like I never had before after rededicating my life to Him that summer before everything unfolded;  looking back, I think He's planned everything just the way He wanted! Praise the Lord for His help and guidance.

4) Hanging Out in my Office-My office has got to be my most favorite room in the house. I can enjoy coming in here just to sit, think, and regroup if I need to. I love how cozy it is, even though the decor is not exactly perfectly themed (I am a mix of country and modern). Uniqueness is a quality I have that I am proud of, so of course my work space has to reflect that right? One thing people will learn about me by spending just five minutes in here is my love for OWLS! This room sees more of me than my actual bedroom does; it is nice to have a place to go to shut out the rest of the world. The amount of passion and creative energy I immediately get from being in here is incredible! 

Today's blog was a little bit shorter than most of what I've written, but I hope you enjoyed it! Also, I am still on the hunt for guest bloggers to be featured on Molly's Zone". I think getting other people to share their stories is a great way to encourage disability advocacy. Thanks for taking the time to read! See you next week! 

Monday, June 19, 2017

A Letter to my Mom (Thank You)

Dear Momma, our second Mother's Day has already passed and yesterday was just a typical Sunday for us, but feeling inspired and in the spur of the moment I decided to dedicate a special blog post to you just because I want everybody to know just how much I love you. Life with you has certainly been an adventure full of twists and turns. You have been there to celebrate my best moments and comfort me through the worst. I am as strong as I am because of the person you helped me become. I am so happy that God meant for us to be together on this journey. As time goes on, I am seeing more of you in me and I feel blessed because you've been the best mother anyone could ever ask for; you've worked hard to make sure I have had everything and more while instilling in me the importance of a good work ethic. Your unconditional love is not something that I know much about, as not many have loved me in that way but I am so thankful that you have given an example of what love should be: You love me as Jesus loves me, unconditionally with no end in sight. I love you. I love that you've been such a great example of faith and trust in the Lord for me. God knew I was going to need someone tough and as trusting in Him as you are. I often live by emotion; that is my one true weakness. 

We often laugh and joke about how we are the same age physically. I am so happy that I have someone in my life who can understand how I feel on those days that I just feel like quitting. When I'm frustrated with my body aching and the slightly more noticeable fatigue I've been experiencing lately, you are always right there to cheer me up with your sense of humor. You make me laugh. You give me joy. My heart swells with happiness every time I think of us. I wouldn't be anywhere in life without you. Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you for pushing me to go to college. Thank you for pushing me to become something. Thank you for supporting my writing career and for cheering me on; I'm not exactly sure where the Lord is taking me yet, but it is quite exciting. I'm glad you get to experience it with me. 

I have watched Mom struggle, scrimp, and save every penny. We have been through a lot, and I just want to say I'm so proud of her. Single mothers deserve so much more credit than what they receive; single moms are the true heroes and are truly inspiring. Mom, I know how much you dislike Mondays, so I hope I made you smile. I wouldn't trade our life for the world.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Best Friend I've Ever Had

Have you ever sat down and thought about the people you love most? Has there ever been one person who understands everything about you so much more than you understand yourself? The person who is that special someone in my heart is Jesus. As I sat in my office and pondered over a topic for Tuesday, I couldn't think of anything. The past couple days have been kind of different for me, as I sent my sweet golden lab to a new home; I am quite heartbroken, but I know it was the most loving decision I could make for her. I always try to keep my posts positive and light; but I also feel like being real with my readers is important too. 

Saturday night was my first official all nighter at my desk in months. I had coffee, and I had a good talk with Jesus; after our talk and having my feelings fade away, I felt so thankful for His gentleness and love towards me. I love the fact that He listens and always helps. I felt this post should be a thank you to Him and my encouragement to others to trust Him with all you have. As a writer, I missed my late night rough draft writing sessions; He has given me the gift to write so eloquently, and lately so many opportunities have come my way. I am surely blessed. A year and a half has taken me so much farther than I ever thought possible. My favorite room in my house is my office: a place where I work, pray, and dream. 

I have plans to return to the blog full time (going back to my original weekly posts on Tuesdays), and venturing into whatever else God leads me to. Without Jesus, I would be nothing. I have still been doing my weekly Skype chat sessions and I love it so much; I love being a mentor/ My only hope is to inspire and to be a friend. I will be happy to be returning to church regularly and strengthening my relationship with the Lord. He is my hope and my peace. He's given me so much. Stay tuned for next week...I will be writing about some life guidance tips (my favorite self care tips I have discovered and love). Thank you guys for all your support!


A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...